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Venter meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

مقرر ۔ ناشر ۔ پیٹ ۔ رحم ۔ بطن ۔ شِکم ۔ پیڑو ۔ پیٹ ۔ معدے کا سا گڑھا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Venter (n.) A pregnant woman; a mother; as, A has a son B by one venter, and a daughter C by another venter; children by different venters.
(2) - Venter (n.) The lower part of the abdomen in insects.
(3) - Venter (n.) A belly, or protuberant part; a broad surface; as, the venter of a muscle; the venter, or anterior surface, of the scapula.
(4) - Venter (n.) The uterus, or womb.
(5) - Venter (n.) The belly; the abdomen; -- sometimes applied to any large cavity containing viscera.
(6) - Venter (n.) One who vents; one who utters, reports, or publishes.

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