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Yearn meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

شوق سے چاہنا ۔ بے حد شوق ہونا ۔ دلی آرزو ہونا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Yearn (v. i.) To be filled with longing desire; to be harassed or rendered uneasy with longing, or feeling the want of a thing; to strain with emotions of affection or tenderness; to long; to be eager.
(2) - Yearn (v. i. & t.) To curdle, as milk.
(3) - Yearn (v. i.) To be pained or distressed; to grieve; to mourn.
(4) - Yearn (v. t.) To pain; to grieve; to vex.

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