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Acephalous meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

بے سرا ۔ وہ حیوانات جو بے سرے معلوم ہوتے ہیں ۔ خود مختاری ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Acephalous (a.) Deficient and the beginning, as a line of poetry.
(2) - Acephalous (a.) Wanting the beginning.
(3) - Acephalous (a.) Without a leader or chief.
(4) - Acephalous (a.) Having the style spring from the base, instead of from the apex, as is the case in certain ovaries.
(5) - Acephalous (a.) Without a distinct head; -- a term applied to bivalve mollusks.
(6) - Acephalous (a.) Headless.

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