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Acquit meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

رہا کرنا ۔ چھوڑنا ۔ بے گناہ قرار دینا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Acquit (v. t.) To bear or conduct one's self; to perform one's part; as, the soldier acquitted himself well in battle; the orator acquitted himself very poorly.
(2) - Acquit (v. t.) To clear one's self.
(3) - Acquit (v. t.) To set free, release or discharge from an obligation, duty, liability, burden, or from an accusation or charge; -- now followed by of before the charge, formerly by from; as, the jury acquitted the prisoner; we acquit a man of evil intentions.
(4) - Acquit (v. t.) To pay for; to atone for.
(5) - Acquit (v. t.) To discharge, as a claim or debt; to clear off; to pay off; to requite.
(6) - Acquit (p. p.) Acquitted; set free; rid of.

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