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Affray meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

مار کٹائی ۔ ہنگامہ ۔ بلوہ ۔ دنگا فساد ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Affray (v. t.) The fighting of two or more persons, in a public place, to the terror of others.
(2) - Affray (v. t.) A tumultuous assault or quarrel; a brawl; a fray.
(3) - Affray (v. t.) Alarm; terror; fright.
(4) - Affray (v. t.) The act of suddenly disturbing any one; an assault or attack.
(5) - Affray (v. t.) To frighten; to scare; to frighten away.
(6) - Affray (v. t.) To startle from quiet; to alarm.

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