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Collate meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

مطابق کرنا ۔ مقابلہ کرنا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Collate (v. i.) To place in a benefice, when the person placing is both the patron and the ordinary.
(2) - Collate (v. t.) To bestow or confer.
(3) - Collate (v. t.) To present and institute in a benefice, when the person presenting is both the patron and the ordinary; -- followed by to.
(4) - Collate (v. t.) To gather and place in order, as the sheets of a book for binding.
(5) - Collate (v. t.) To compare critically, as books or manuscripts, in order to note the points of agreement or disagreement.

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