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Conjugate meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

مباشرت کرنا ۔ تعریف کرنا ۔ فعل کی گردان کرنا ۔ ہم بستر ہونا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Conjugate (v. i.) To unite in a kind of sexual union, as two or more cells or individuals among the more simple plants and animals.
(2) - Conjugate (v. t.) To inflect (a verb), or give in order the forms which it assumed in its several voices, moods, tenses, numbers, and persons.
(3) - Conjugate (v. t.) To unite in marriage; to join.
(4) - Conjugate (n.) A complex radical supposed to act the part of a single radical.
(5) - Conjugate (n.) A word agreeing in derivation with another word, and therefore generally resembling it in signification.
(6) - Conjugate (a.) Presenting themselves simultaneously and having reciprocal properties; -- frequently used in pure and applied mathematics with reference to two quantities, points, lines, axes, curves, etc.
(7) - Conjugate (a.) Agreeing in derivation and radical signification; -- said of words.
(8) - Conjugate (a.) Containing two or more radicals supposed to act the part of a single one.
(9) - Conjugate (a.) In single pairs; coupled.
(10) - Conjugate (a.) United in pairs; yoked together; coupled.

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