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Diapason meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

مکمل سرگم ۔ وسعت آواز ۔ آہنگ کا یکباری انتشار ۔ احاطہ ۔ دائرہ ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Diapason (n.) One of certain stops in the organ, so called because they extend through the scale of the instrument. They are of several kinds, as open diapason, stopped diapason, double diapason, and the like.
(2) - Diapason (n.) A standard of pitch; a tuning fork; as, the French normal diapason.
(3) - Diapason (n.) The entire compass of tones.
(4) - Diapason (n.) Concord, as of notes an octave apart; harmony.
(5) - Diapason (n.) The octave, or interval which includes all the tones of the diatonic scale.

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