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Engaged meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

منسوب، مشغول ۔ برسرروزگار ۔ جو فوج میں بھرتی کو لیا گیا ہو ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Engaged (a.) Involved; esp., involved in a hostile encounter; as, the engaged ships continued the fight.
(2) - Engaged (a.) Greatly interested; of awakened zeal; earnest.
(3) - Engaged (a.) Pledged; promised; especially, having the affections pledged; promised in marriage; affianced; betrothed.
(4) - Engaged (a.) Occupied; employed; busy.
(5) - Engaged (imp. & p. p.) of Engage

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