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Flare meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

جہاز کے بازوں کا ابھرنا ۔ شعلے کا لرزنا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Flare (n.) Leaf of lard.
(2) - Flare (n.) A spreading outward; as, the flare of a fireplace.
(3) - Flare (n.) An unsteady, broad, offensive light.
(4) - Flare (v. i.) To open or spread outwards; to project beyond the perpendicular; as, the sides of a bowl flare; the bows of a ship flare.
(5) - Flare (v. i.) To be exposed to too much light.
(6) - Flare (v. i.) To shine out with gaudy colors; to flaunt; to be offensively bright or showy.
(7) - Flare (v. i.) To shine out with a sudden and unsteady light; to emit a dazzling or painfully bright light.
(8) - Flare (v. i.) To burn with an unsteady or waving flame; as, the candle flares.

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