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Furnish meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

باہم پہنچانا ۔ مہیا کرنا ۔ کمرے کو سامان سے آراستہ کرنا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Furnish (n.) That which is furnished as a specimen; a sample; a supply.
(2) - Furnish (v. t.) To offer for use; to provide (something); to give (something); to afford; as, to furnish food to the hungry: to furnish arms for defense.
(3) - Furnish (v. t.) To supply with anything necessary, useful, or appropriate; to provide; to equip; to fit out, or fit up; to adorn; as, to furnish a family with provisions; to furnish one with arms for defense; to furnish a Cable; to furnish the mind with ideas; to furnish one with knowledge or principles; to furnish an expedition or enterprise, a room or a house.

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