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Gravity meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

بھاری پن ۔ متانت ۔ اہمیت ۔ کشش ارض ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Gravity (a.) Lowness of tone; -- opposed to acuteness.
(2) - Gravity (a.) The tendency of a mass of matter toward a center of attraction; esp., the tendency of a body toward the center of the earth; terrestrial gravitation.
(3) - Gravity (a.) Importance, significance, dignity, etc; hence, seriousness; enormity; as, the gravity of an offense.
(4) - Gravity (a.) Sobriety of character or demeanor.
(5) - Gravity (a.) The state of having weight; beaviness; as, the gravity of lead.

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