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Hamper meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

کوئی چیز رکھ کر راستہ روکنا ۔ روکنا ۔ گرفتار کرنا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Hamper (n.) Articles ordinarily indispensable, but in the way at certain times.
(2) - Hamper (n.) A shackle; a fetter; anything which impedes.
(3) - Hamper (v. t.) To put a hamper or fetter on; to shackle; to insnare; to inveigle; hence, to impede in motion or progress; to embarrass; to encumber.
(4) - Hamper (v. t.) To put in a hamper.
(5) - Hamper (n.) A large basket, usually with a cover, used for the packing and carrying of articles; as, a hamper of wine; a clothes hamper; an oyster hamper, which contains two bushels.

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