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Honest meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

دیانت دار ۔ راست باز ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Honest (a.) To adorn; to grace; to honor; to make becoming, appropriate, or honorable.
(2) - Honest (a.) Chaste; faithful; virtuous.
(3) - Honest (a.) Open; frank; as, an honest countenance.
(4) - Honest (a.) Characterized by integrity or fairness and straight/forwardness in conduct, thought, speech, etc.; upright; just; equitable; trustworthy; truthful; sincere; free from fraud, guile, or duplicity; not false; -- said of persons and acts, and of things to which a moral quality is imputed; as, an honest judge or merchant; an honest statement; an honest bargain; an honest business; an honest book; an honest confession.
(5) - Honest (a.) Decent; honorable; suitable; becoming.

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