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Ling meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

ایک قسم کی لمبی مچھلی ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Ling (n.) Heather (Calluna vulgaris).
(2) - Ling (a.) A New Zealand food fish of the genus Genypterus. The name is also locally applied to other fishes, as the cultus cod, the mutton fish, and the cobia.
(3) - Ling (a.) An American hake of the genus Phycis.
(4) - Ling (a.) The burbot of Lake Ontario.
(5) - Ling (a.) A large, marine, gadoid fish (Molva vulgaris) of Northern Europe and Greenland. It is valued as a food fish and is largely salted and dried. Called also drizzle.

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