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Pierce meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

بندھا ۔ چھیدنا ۔ برمانا ۔ سوراخ کرنا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Pierce (v. i.) To enter; to penetrate; to make a way into or through something, as a pointed instrument does; -- used literally and figuratively.
(2) - Pierce (v. t.) Fig.: To penetrate; to affect deeply; as, to pierce a mystery.
(3) - Pierce (v. t.) To penetrate; to enter; to force a way into or through; to pass into or through; as, to pierce the enemy's line; a shot pierced the ship.
(4) - Pierce (v. t.) To thrust into, penetrate, or transfix, with a pointed instrument.

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