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Pitcher meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

مٹی کا گھڑا ۔ کھودنے والا ۔ نصب کرنے والا ۔ سڑک بنانے کا پتھر ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Pitcher (n.) A tubular or cuplike appendage or expansion of the leaves of certain plants.
(2) - Pitcher (n.) A wide-mouthed, deep vessel for holding liquids, with a spout or protruding lip and a handle; a water jug or jar with a large ear or handle.
(3) - Pitcher (n.) A sort of crowbar for digging.
(4) - Pitcher (n.) One who pitches anything, as hay, quoits, a ball, etc.; specifically (Baseball), the player who delivers the ball to the batsman.

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