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Rasp meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

موٹی ریتی ۔ سوہن ۔ ناگوار ہونا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Rasp (v.) The raspberry.
(2) - Rasp (v.) A coarse file, on which the cutting prominences are distinct points raised by the oblique stroke of a sharp punch, instead of lines raised by a chisel, as on the true file.
(3) - Rasp (v. t.) Hence, figuratively: To grate harshly upon; to offend by coarse or rough treatment or language; as, some sounds rasp the ear; his insults rasped my temper.
(4) - Rasp (v. t.) To rub or file with a rasp; to rub or grate with a rough file; as, to rasp wood to make it smooth; to rasp bones to powder.

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