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Redshank meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

سُرخ پاچہا ۔ لمبی ٹانگوں والا ٹٹیری نسل کا پرِندہ ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Redshank (n.) A bare-legged person; -- a contemptuous appellation formerly given to the Scotch Highlanders, in allusion to their bare legs.
(2) - Redshank (n.) The fieldfare.
(3) - Redshank (n.) A common Old World limicoline bird (Totanus calidris), having the legs and feet pale red. The spotted redshank (T. fuscus) is larger, and has orange-red legs. Called also redshanks, redleg, and clee.

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