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Remainder meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

بچت ۔ بقیہ ۔ پس ماندہ ۔ تہا سہا ۔ حاصل ۔ وراثت ۔ گزارہ ۔ باز گشت ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Remainder (a.) Remaining; left; left over; refuse.
(2) - Remainder (n.) An estate in expectancy, generally in land, which becomes an estate in possession upon the determination of a particular prior estate, created at the same time, and by the same instrument; for example, if land be conveyed to A for life, and on his death to B, A's life interest is a particuar estate, and B's interest is a remainder, or estate in remainder.
(3) - Remainder (n.) The quantity or sum that is left after subtraction, or after any deduction.
(4) - Remainder (n.) Anything that remains, or is left, after the separation and removal of a part; residue; remnant.

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