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Rescue meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

خطرہ یا قید سے رہائی دلانا ۔ چھڑانا ۔ نجات دلانا ۔ رہا کرنا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Rescue (v.) The retaking by a party captured of a prize made by the enemy.
(2) - Rescue (v.) The forcible liberation of a person from an arrest or imprisonment.
(3) - Rescue (v.) The forcible retaking, or taking away, against law, of things lawfully distrained.
(4) - Rescue (v.) The act of rescuing; deliverance from restraint, violence, or danger; liberation.
(5) - Rescue (v. t.) To free or deliver from any confinement, violence, danger, or evil; to liberate from actual restraint; to remove or withdraw from a state of exposure to evil; as, to rescue a prisoner from the enemy; to rescue seamen from destruction.

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