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Roadster meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

لنگرگاہ میں لنگر انداز جھاز ۔ سڑکوں کی سواری ۔ گھوڑا ۔ گاڑی ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Roadster (n.) A hunter who keeps to the roads instead of following the hounds across country.
(2) - Roadster (n.) One who drives much; a coach driver.
(3) - Roadster (n.) A bicycle or tricycle adapted for common roads rather than for the racing track.
(4) - Roadster (n.) A horse that is accustomed to traveling on the high road, or is suitable for use on ordinary roads.
(5) - Roadster (n.) A clumsy vessel that works its way from one anchorage to another by means of the tides.

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