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Shower meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

مینہ کا چھینٹا ۔ جھالا ۔ بوچھاڑ ۔ بھر مار کرنا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Shower (v. i.) To rain in showers; to fall, as in a hower or showers.
(2) - Shower (v. t.) To bestow liberally; to destribute or scatter in /undance; to rain.
(3) - Shower (v. t.) To water with a shower; to //t copiously with rain.
(4) - Shower (n.) A copious supply bestowed.
(5) - Shower (n.) That which resembles a shower in falling or passing through the air copiously and rapidly.
(6) - Shower (n.) A fall or rain or hail of short duration; sometimes, but rarely, a like fall of snow.
(7) - Shower (n.) That which shows; a mirror.
(8) - Shower (n.) One who shows or exhibits.

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