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Shuttle meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

جولائے کی نال جس سے دھاگا ادھر سے ادھر جاتا ہے ۔ نالی ۔ دھرلی ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Shuttle (v. i.) To move backwards and forwards, like a shuttle.
(2) - Shuttle (n.) A shutter, as for a channel for molten metal.
(3) - Shuttle (n.) The sliding thread holder in a sewing machine, which carries the lower thread through a loop of the upper thread, to make a lock stitch.
(4) - Shuttle (n.) An instrument used in weaving for passing or shooting the thread of the woof from one side of the cloth to the other between the threads of the warp.

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