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Slumber meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

اونگھنا ۔ سونا ۔ نیند لینا ۔ آرام لینا ۔ خواب ۔ نیند ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Slumber (n.) Sleep; especially, light sleep; sleep that is not deep or sound; repose.
(2) - Slumber (v. t.) To stun; to stupefy.
(3) - Slumber (v. t.) To lay to sleep.
(4) - Slumber (v. i.) To be in a state of negligence, sloth, supineness, or inactivity.
(5) - Slumber (v. i.) To sleep; especially, to sleep lightly; to doze.

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