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Syenite meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

سرخ سنگ خارا ۔ ایک قسم کی دانہ دار آتشی چٹان جو زیادہ تر فلسپار پر مشتمل ہوتی ہے ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Syenite (n.) A granular, crystalline, ingeous rock composed of orthoclase and hornblende, the latter often replaced or accompanied by pyroxene or mica. Syenite sometimes contains nephelite (elaeolite) or leucite, and is then called nephelite (elaeolite) syenite or leucite syenite.
(2) - Syenite (n.) Orig., a rock composed of quartz, hornblende, and feldspar, anciently quarried at Syene, in Upper Egypt, and now called granite.

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