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Tenuity meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

باریکی ۔ پتلا پن ۔ رقت ۔ لطافت ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Tenuity (n.) Refinement; delicacy.
(2) - Tenuity (n.) Poverty; indigence.
(3) - Tenuity (n.) Rarily; rareness; thinness, as of a fluid; as, the tenuity of the air; the tenuity of the blood.
(4) - Tenuity (n.) The quality or state of being tenuous; thinness, applied to a broad substance; slenderness, applied to anything that is long; as, the tenuity of a leaf; the tenuity of a hair.

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