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Truly meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

ایمانداری سے ۔ نمک حلالی سے ۔ حقیقی طور پر ۔ ٹھیک ٹھیک ۔ سچ سچ ۔ خط کے آخر میں اپ کا مخلص ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Truly (adv.) In fact; in deed; in reality; in truth.
(2) - Truly (adv.) Conformably to law; legally; legitimately.
(3) - Truly (adv.) Sincerely; honestly; really; faithfully; as, to be truly attached to a lover; the citizens are truly loyal to their prince or their country.
(4) - Truly (adv.) Exactly; justly; precisely; accurately; as, to estimate truly the weight of evidence.
(5) - Truly (adv.) In a true manner; according to truth; in agreement with fact; as, to state things truly; the facts are truly represented.

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