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Tumor meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

ٹیومَر ۔ رَسولی ۔ سَلعہ ۔ غیر مَعمُولی سُوجَن ۔ مُتوَرّم حِصّہ ۔ پھوڑا ۔ دُنبَل ۔ گِلٹی ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Tumor (n.) Affected pomp; bombast; swelling words or expressions; false magnificence or sublimity.
(2) - Tumor (n.) A morbid swelling, prominence, or growth, on any part of the body; especially, a growth produced by deposition of new tissue; a neoplasm.

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