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Vat meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

حوض ۔ کنٹہ ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Vat (v. t.) To put or transfer into a vat.
(2) - Vat (n.) A vessel for holding holy water.
(3) - Vat (n.) A square, hollow place on the back of a calcining furnace, where tin ore is laid to dry.
(4) - Vat (n.) A wooden tub for washing ores and mineral substances in.
(5) - Vat (n.) A measure for liquids, and also a dry measure; especially, a liquid measure in Belgium and Holland, corresponding to the hectoliter of the metric system, which contains 22.01 imperial gallons, or 26.4 standard gallons in the United States.
(6) - Vat (n.) A large vessel, cistern, or tub, especially one used for holding in an immature state, chemical preparations for dyeing, or for tanning, or for tanning leather, or the like.

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