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Voluble meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

طرار ۔ چرب زبان ۔ لسان ۔ باتونی ۔ جلد جلد باتیں کرنے والا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Voluble (a.) Having the power or habit of turning or twining; as, the voluble stem of hop plants.
(2) - Voluble (a.) Changeable; unstable; fickle.
(3) - Voluble (a.) Moving with ease and smoothness in uttering words; of rapid speech; nimble in speaking; glib; as, a flippant, voluble, tongue.
(4) - Voluble (a.) Easily rolling or turning; easily set in motion; apt to roll; rotating; as, voluble particles of matter.

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