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Whitefish meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

سُفید مَچھلی ۔ سامَن مَچھلی ۔ امریکی علاقوں کی عام خُوردنی مَچھلی ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Whitefish (n.) The beluga, or white whale.
(2) - Whitefish (n.) The menhaden.
(3) - Whitefish (n.) Any one of several species of Coregonus, a genus of excellent food fishes allied to the salmons. They inhabit the lakes of the colder parts of North America, Asia, and Europe. The largest and most important American species (C. clupeiformis) is abundant in the Great Lakes, and in other lakes farther north. Called also lake whitefish, and Oswego bass.

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