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Wilt meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

مرجھانا ۔ ا ۔ افسردہ ہونا ۔ ہمت ہا ر دینا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Wilt (v. t.) Hence, to cause to languish; to depress or destroy the vigor and energy of.
(2) - Wilt (v. t.) To cause to begin to wither; to make flaccid, as a green plant.
(3) - Wilt (v. i.) To begin to wither; to lose freshness and become flaccid, as a plant when exposed when exposed to drought, or to great heat in a dry day, or when separated from its root; to droop;. to wither.
(4) - Wilt () 2d pers. sing. of Will.

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