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Wire meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

تار ۔ تار برقی ۔ تار کا پیغام ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Wire (v. i.) To send a telegraphic message.
(2) - Wire (v. i.) To pass like a wire; to flow in a wirelike form, or in a tenuous stream.
(3) - Wire (v. t.) To send (a message) by telegraph.
(4) - Wire (v. t.) To snare by means of a wire or wires.
(5) - Wire (v. t.) To put upon a wire; as, to wire beads.
(6) - Wire (v. t.) To bind with wire; to attach with wires; to apply wire to; as, to wire corks in bottling liquors.
(7) - Wire (n.) A telegraph wire or cable; hence, an electric telegraph; as, to send a message by wire.
(8) - Wire (n.) A thread or slender rod of metal; a metallic substance formed to an even thread by being passed between grooved rollers, or drawn through holes in a plate of steel.

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