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Lief meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

خوشی سے ۔ پیار سی ۔ اطمینان سے ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Lief (adv.) Gladly; willingly; freely; -- now used only in the phrases, had as lief, and would as lief; as, I had, or would, as lief go as not.
(2) - Lief (n.) A dear one; a sweetheart.
(3) - Lief (adv.) Willing; disposed.
(4) - Lief (n.) Pleasing; agreeable; acceptable; preferable.
(5) - Lief (n.) Dear; beloved.
(6) - Lief (n.) Same as Lif.

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