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Loaf meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

نان پاؤ ۔ ڈبل روٹی ۔ نان ۔ ادھر ادھر پھرنا ۔ مٹر گوشت کرنا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Loaf (v. t.) To spend in idleness; -- with away; as, to loaf time away.
(2) - Loaf (v. i.) To spend time in idleness; to lounge or loiter about.
(3) - Loaf (n.) Any thick lump, mass, or cake; especially, a large regularly shaped or molded mass, as of bread, sugar, or cake.

Similar Spell Words

lap | lava | lave | lay-up | leaf | leafe | leafy | leap | leave | levee | levy | libya | lief | life | lip | lippy | live | loaf | lob | lobby | lobe | lobo | looby | loop | loopy | lop | lope | loppy | loupe | love | lowboy | lube | luff