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Redound meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

فاضل ہونا ۔ سوا ہونا ۔ زیادہ ہونا ۔ لوٹنا ۔ حق دینا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Redound (n.) Rebound; reverberation.
(2) - Redound (n.) The coming back, as of consequence or effect; result; return; requital.
(3) - Redound (v. i.) To be in excess; to remain over and above; to be redundant; to overflow.
(4) - Redound (v. i.) To roll back, as a wave or flood; to be sent or driven back; to flow back, as a consequence or effect; to conduce; to contribute; to result.

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