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Retention meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

حراست ۔ قید ۔ پابندی ۔ حافظہ ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Retention (n.) The right of withholding a debt, or of retaining property until a debt due to the person claiming the right be duly paid; a lien.
(2) - Retention (n.) Place of custody or confinement.
(3) - Retention (n.) The act of withholding; retraint; reserve.
(4) - Retention (n.) That which contains something, as a tablet; a //// of preserving impressions.
(5) - Retention (n.) The power of retaining; retentiveness.
(6) - Retention (n.) The act of retaining, or the state of being ratined.

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