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Reflex meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

عکس ۔ پرتو ۔ مظہر ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Reflex (v. t.) To bend back; to turn back.
(2) - Reflex (v. t.) To reflect.
(3) - Reflex (n.) An involuntary movement produced by reflex action.
(4) - Reflex (n.) Reflection; the light reflected from an illuminated surface to one in shade.
(5) - Reflex (a.) Of, pertaining to, or produced by, stimulus or excitation without the necessary intervention of consciousness.
(6) - Reflex (a.) Produced in reaction, in resistance, or in return.
(7) - Reflex (a.) Directed back; attended by reflection; retroactive; introspective.

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