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Repulse meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

پسپا کرنا ۔ پیچھے ہٹا دیابن ۔ ہرا دینا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Repulse (n.) Figuratively: Refusal; denial; rejection; failure.
(2) - Repulse (n.) The act of repelling or driving back; also, the state of being repelled or driven back.
(3) - Repulse (v. t.) To repel by discourtesy, coldness, or denial; to reject; to send away; as, to repulse a suitor or a proffer.
(4) - Repulse (v. t.) To repel; to beat or drive back; as, to repulse an assault; to repulse the enemy.

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