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Terminus meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

حد ۔ انتہا ۔ منزل ۔ ریل کا آخری اسٹیشن ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Terminus (n.) Either end of a railroad line; also, the station house, or the town or city, at that place.
(2) - Terminus (n.) Hence, any post or stone marking a boundary; a term. See Term, 8.
(3) - Terminus (n.) The Roman divinity who presided over boundaries, whose statue was properly a short pillar terminating in the bust of a man, woman, satyr, or the like, but often merely a post or stone stuck in the ground on a boundary line.
(4) - Terminus (n.) Literally, a boundary; a border; a limit.

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