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Torment meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

عذاب دینا ۔ تکلیف پہنچانا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Torment (v. t.) To put into great agitation.
(2) - Torment (v. t.) To tease; to vex; to harass; as, to be tormented with importunities, or with petty annoyances.
(3) - Torment (v. t.) To pain; to distress; to afflict.
(4) - Torment (v. t.) To put to extreme pain or anguish; to inflict excruciating misery upon, either of body or mind; to torture.
(5) - Torment (n.) That which gives pain, vexation, or misery.
(6) - Torment (n.) Extreme pain; anguish; torture; the utmost degree of misery, either of body or mind.
(7) - Torment (n.) An engine for casting stones.

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