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Belly meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

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English to English Dictionary

(1) - Belly (v. i.) To swell and become protuberant, like the belly; to bulge.
(2) - Belly (v. t.) To cause to swell out; to fill.
(3) - Belly (n.) The hollow part of a curved or bent timber, the convex part of which is the back.
(4) - Belly (n.) The part of anything which resembles the human belly in protuberance or in cavity; the innermost part; as, the belly of a flask, muscle, sail, ship.
(5) - Belly (n.) The womb.
(6) - Belly (n.) The under part of the body of animals, corresponding to the human belly.
(7) - Belly (n.) That part of the human body which extends downward from the breast to the thighs, and contains the bowels, or intestines; the abdomen.

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