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Bowel meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

انتڑیاں ۔ ترس ۔ رحم ۔ ہمدردی ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Bowel (v. t.) To take out the bowels of; to eviscerate; to disembowel.
(2) - Bowel (n.) Offspring.
(3) - Bowel (n.) The seat of pity or kindness. Hence: Tenderness; compassion.
(4) - Bowel (n.) Hence, figuratively: The interior part of anything; as, the bowels of the earth.
(5) - Bowel (n.) One of the intestines of an animal; an entrail, especially of man; a gut; -- generally used in the plural.

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