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Crisp meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

خستہ ہونا ۔ کرارا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Crisp (n.) That which is crisp or brittle; the state of being crisp or brittle; as, burned to a crisp; specifically, the rind of roasted pork; crackling.
(2) - Crisp (v. i.) To undulate or ripple. Cf. Crisp, v. t.
(3) - Crisp (a.) To make crisp or brittle, as in cooking.
(4) - Crisp (a.) To cause to undulate irregularly, as crape or water; to wrinkle; to cause to ripple. Cf. Crimp.
(5) - Crisp (a.) To curl; to form into ringlets, as hair, or the nap of cloth; to interweave, as the branches of trees.
(6) - Crisp (a.) Brisk; crackling; cheerful; lively.
(7) - Crisp (a.) Lively; sparking; effervescing.
(8) - Crisp (a.) Possessing a certain degree of firmness and freshness; in a fresh, unwilted condition.
(9) - Crisp (a.) Brittle; friable; in a condition to break with a short, sharp fracture; as, crisp snow.
(10) - Crisp (a.) Curled with the ripple of the water.
(11) - Crisp (a.) Curling in stiff curls or ringlets; as, crisp hair.

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