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Crossbill meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

مَتقاطع چونچ ۔ ایک قِسم کی چڑی کی چونچ ۔ جِس کی چونچ کا اُوپَر نِیچے والا حِصّہ مُخالِف سِمت میں مُڑا ہُوا ہوتا ہے ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Crossbill (n.) A bird of the genus Loxia, allied to the finches. Their mandibles are strongly curved and cross each other; the crossbeak.
(2) - Crossbill () A bill brought by a defendant, in an equity or chancery suit, against the plaintiff, respecting the matter in question in that suit.

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