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Shine meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

روشن ہونا ۔ چمکنا ۔ روشنی دینا ۔ ممتاز ہونا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Shine (v. i.) Shining; sheen.
(2) - Shine (n.) Caper; antic; row.
(3) - Shine (n.) A liking for a person; a fancy.
(4) - Shine (n.) Sunshine; fair weather.
(5) - Shine (n.) The quality or state of shining; brightness; luster, gloss; polish; sheen.
(6) - Shine (v. t.) To make bright; to cause to shine by reflected light; as, in hunting, to shine the eyes of a deer at night by throwing a light on them.
(7) - Shine (v. t.) To cause to shine, as a light.
(8) - Shine (v. i.) To be eminent, conspicuous, or distinguished; to exhibit brilliant intellectual powers; as, to shine in courts; to shine in conversation.
(9) - Shine (v. i.) To be effulgent in splendor or beauty.
(10) - Shine (v. i.) To be bright by reflection of light; to gleam; to be glossy; as, to shine like polished silver.
(11) - Shine (v. i.) To emit rays of light; to give light; to beam with steady radiance; to exhibit brightness or splendor; as, the sun shines by day; the moon shines by night.

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