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Son meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

بیٹا ۔ لڑکا ۔ نسل ۔ وارٹ ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Son (n.) Jesus Christ, the Savior; -- called the Son of God, and the Son of man.
(2) - Son (n.) The produce of anything.
(3) - Son (n.) A native or inhabitant of some specified place; as, sons of Albion; sons of New England.
(4) - Son (n.) Any young male person spoken of as a child; an adopted male child; a pupil, ward, or any other male dependent.
(5) - Son (n.) A male descendant, however distant; hence, in the plural, descendants in general.
(6) - Son (n.) A male child; the male issue, or offspring, of a parent, father or mother.

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